IT environments are designed to be dynamic. They evolve organically, through cloud computing, unsecured networks, SaaS deployments, containers, microservices, IoT devices, applications, infrastructure and data that are often added without adhering to organizational security policies. Legacy sprawl, orphaned infrastructure and an increasingly distributed workforce are ever-present complications.

Even with custom tools security teams cannot easily see the entirety of their rapidly expanding attack surface and address its challenges. ELSA combines extended enterprise visibility and continuous monitoring capabilities infused with the latest DELTA90 Threat Intelligence to help organizations discover exposures and analyze internet assets across today’s dynamic, distributed and shared environments.

Reliable source of information

Maintaining a manual inventory of assets is time-consuming and error-prone. Having an outside-in view of your attack surface will allow you to detect unknown assets and exposures to help you reduce your attack surface.

Autonomous inventory powered by AI and ML​

Most organizations are unaware of their exposed surface, so ELSA does not need to be fed initial inventory that could lead to a lack of visibility of critical parts. Thanks to its learning algorithms, it is capable, autonomously and without initial interaction with the client, of obtaining all the exposed assets.

Discovery and continuous monitoring

Attack surfaces are constantly changing. ELSA scans the entire IPv4 space up to several times a day to discover all your Internet-connected assets and track changes that could pose a risk.

Stakeholders are responsible for their assets

Mitigating threats requires knowing who is responsible for a vulnerable asset. With ELSA, even previously unknown assets can be traced back to interested parties to ensure rapid remediation.

Security in Real-Time

A typical organization encounters, on average, two security issues per day, while attackers encounter one every hour. ELSA keeps its asset inventory up to date so you can stay ahead.

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It has rapidly become a top enterprise priority because massive adoption of cloud, SaaS and mobile across a distributed workforce means an expanding, evolving and changing attack surface subject to an increasing number of sophisticated threats.


More applications, more places

The explosion of cloud, SaaS, containers and microservices means more applications in more locations, each with unique security requirements and vulnerabilities.

So many devices, so little time

Employees are relying on mobile devices to perform their work. Organizations are adopting IoT devices and sensors to collect and exchange data.

Employees drive business operation practices

Any employee can introduce any of these elements – cloud, SaaS, mobile devices, random data storage – to the work environment with minimal governance.


Business relationships share assets and risk

Partners and supply chain vendors share responsibility for assets and are the target of highly sophisticated threat actor campaigns.



ELSA has specific modules to help organizations improve their visibility and response capabilities before incidents, including:

Domains and Subdomains


Ports and Public Services

Ranges and IP addresses

Vulnerability Management

Metadata and other information

Phishing threats


Risk Analysis and Management

API integration

Historical Storage

Techonology Discovery